
Sweden Travels is part of the company Lemon Pie AB, organizational no. 559072-7458 and has according to Swedish law lodged a travel guarantee with Kammarkolleget, The Legal, Financial and Administrative Services agency.

Phone +46(0)220 41115

Mail: info@swedentravels.se

We follow the terms and conditions for package tours by The Association of Swedish Travel Agents and Tour Operators. Please use Adobe Reader to be downloaded from http://get.adobe.com/se/reader/.

Terms and conditions for package tours by The Association of Swedish Travel Agents and Tour Operators

Sweden Travels complimentary terms and conditions


Please visit us


Sweden Travels


Lemon Pie AB

Olvsta 15

SE-73493 Kolbäck



Registration No: 559072-7458

Please contact us


Phone No: +46 (0)220 41115

Mail: info@swedentravels.se




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